Many things to use in Daily life | Daily life | Science Dojo

Science,  Technology, fact, life style

Many different events happen in our daily life but we take it for granted. But there are different scientific explanations behind it. How many of us know all the explanations. So today I will tell you some events that often happen in our life but we explain it.  don't know

Sleep, sleeping problem, malatonin hormone, Endorphin, how to fix sleep problem

Why do you feel so happy when you sleep?

Sleep is an essential element of human being. If people do not sleep for several days in a row, the chances of heart disease and brain stroke increase by 80%. But why do we feel so happy when we sleep, surely the question has arisen in your mind?
Melatonin is the most important hormone for sleep. And petty amounts of endorphin hormones (known as happy hormones) are secreted. Which makes sleep more pleasant.
Each thing prefers to be in a normal state, just as sleeping reduces the activity of the left side of the human brain. As a result, people feel happy when they come from work and take a rest, just like when they sleep.Lalbagh fort the historical place

Caution!: Regularly waking up to the sound of the alarm, waking up to the sound of chirping, and suddenly waking someone up should be avoided. Or may suffer from problems like moodiness, memory loss.


What to do in case of electric shock/electrocution?

1. First turn off the main switch of the current line. Make sure there is no electrical connection
2. If it is wrapped around him, remove it and bring it to a safe place.
3. If you are wearing clothes, you have to take them off. In the case of girls, remove heavy clothes and ensure that there is a dress.
4. If you are in 10th floor or higher, bring it to the lowest floor (because the air pressure is higher at the top, it makes it more difficult for the patient to breathe).
5. Elevating the leg with a pillow instead of a pillow on the head.
6. Ensuring natural environment/open environment around the patient.
7. Then CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) should be given quickly.

CPR, CPR process, how to CPR form man, CPR type,

☞Rule of giving CPR:
Firmly squeeze the fingers or fingers of the right hand.  Then continue to press hard on the hard part of the patient 100 times in 1 minute.  At the end of 1 minute hold your face and fill your mouth with air as much as you can, then enter the air into the patient's mouth.  In this case, make sure that there is no space in the mouth.  Try this several times.  (See image below)

➤ While giving CPR, be careful not to break the rib cage
➤ Maintain a calm environment, keep a cool head and go to work
➤ Arrange for immediate medical attention.
Injection: Dobutamine Hcl,,, Dobutamine Panpharma,,, (Do not give without doctor's advice)
➤ If there is AC in the room, turn it off

The hole next to the charger pin on the mobile phone is the noise cancellation microphone.  Of course, this noise cancellation doesn't work much in button phones, but in modern smart phones, this microphone does a good job of canceling out the surrounding noise (chilling/bus noise/or mom's nagging for lying down with the phone) and conveying your clear voice to the listener on the other end.

1.Use your life goal as your phone password to remind your brain of your goal over and over again!

3.Note carefully the political ideology of your teacher/professor. You can use this experience while writing the essay.
4.Don't go to the grocery store on an empty stomach. You buy things you don't need.
5.You can take the exam on an empty stomach. Appetite helps focus!
6.Take out some money from the wallet and put it in the pocket of your winter jacket/coat. Next year you are going to get a great surprise.
7.You can eat chocolate while crunching numbers, the brain becomes more active by eating chocolate.
8.Keep paper and pen by the bed. The best ideas come to mind while sleeping! Or you can use Google Keep app.
9.When things aren't going well, you actually need sleep.
10.It is possible to raise char in the Bay of Bengal by Drum cross method
11.Ants move in alignment under the influence of pheromone hormones.
12.Dopamine is the hormone that makes people fall in love.
13.Cortisol hormone makes people want to commit suicide.
14.The soil is divided into five parts.  Hilly soil, Latocellic soil, Alluvial soil, Swampy soil, Cellular soil.

15.Can't think of what to give someone a birthday present? Ask him to guess what gift you are going to give. Find out what gift she would be happy to receive!

Putting it in flight mode means disabling the mobile's network signaling system.
If the phone is not kept in flight mode in the aircraft, the network is kept in active mode, then as a result, the communication system of the Air Traffic Control (ATC) through radio signaling with the cockpit of very large aircraft may cause interference, causing noise. 
This can happen, if the phone is within range of the mobile network tower while on the plane.

But, planes fly over mobile towers, so the chances of this happening are slim.  And nowadays the latest technology systems are used in airplanes.
Even at home, we notice that when the mobile is on in front of the radio or speaker, many times the radio or speaker beeps, beeps sound or noise.  If the mobile is moved away or turned off, it is no longer the same.  It's the same with airplanes.
It is said to turn off mobile or other signal related devices while taking off.  It has been going on for a long time, so it is said.  Conventional announcement….  Isn't it necessary to make an announcement to ensure that all passengers have switched their mobile phones to flight mode?  The reason is, it does not entail risk of grave danger.
And it can be seen that after asking the flight crew to switch off the mobile phone, many people do not switch off the mobile phone, do not put it in flight mode, keep the mobile phone on.  It has no special effect on the aircraft.

If, there was a possibility of great danger not to keep it in flight mode, then the aviation department would have banned the carrying of mobile phones in the aircraft.

Tags: melatonin, flight mode,airplane mode,turning on airplane mode,cell phone airplane mode,insomnia,sleep,sleepwalker,electric shok,life style,fast lifestyle,interesting fact,cool facts,crazy facts,fun fact about

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