20 Profitable Village Business Ideas 2023 | How can I do business in the village? Problem solve | Science Dojo


Since you are looking for village business ideas, it can be said that you are living in a village. However, to do business in a village, it is not always the case. You can run a business in a village from a city. In that case, you need to hire certain people.  But whatever business you are doing you need to visit the village regularly to inquire about the current status of your business project. Those whom you have entrusted to look after your business should come from different directions. But for those who live permanently in the village house, the matter is different. They can look after the business from their own house. And it will be more profitable.How to growth height after 18

20 Profitable Village Business Ideas

Many people think that there is no opportunity for business in the village. To do business, you have to leave the village and move to the city. But today I will tell you how to do business in the village. In this blog I will tell you about 20 businesses that can be done in your village that will be useful for you. So let's begin.

20 Profitable Village Business Ideas:

1. Poultry rearing:
Poultry rearing is a common business in villages. I put it first as a village business idea because anyone in the village can raise poultry. It is very easy to keep poultry in the village.To keep ducks, you need to build a clean house where the ducks can live comfortably. It is very good to have a reservoir on the side of the duck house. And if there is no reservoir then swimming in the pond or river should be allowed. Since there is no shortage of ponds and rivers in the village. So even if you release them in ponds and rivers, they will swim and find their own food. Chicken farming is easier in villages. Chickens can roam around and collect their food. But broiler chicken must be fed according to the rules and other care should be taken.

2. Cow & goat rearing:
There are many places available for cattle and goat farming in the village. You can build a cowshed at home and keep 2-3 cows there or you can buy a few goats and raise them. If you have more capital, buy 5-6 calf cows and start rearing them. Expand it slowly. In about 2-3 years you will be a successful entrepreneur. This business has a 90 percent chance of success no matter how many competitors there are in your area or anywhere. But in this case you need to get training first. Cow fattening should be learned with the help of various books/videos/agricultural officers. If you can fatten a few cows in the right way then you can sell them at a good price on the day of sacrifice. The price of goats is also increasing every year. So you can make a lot of profit by selling goats. But the right steps are needed.

3. Nursery Business:
Village is the most suitable place for nursery business because everyone has more or less vacant land in the village. These lands are often abandoned. But you can start a nursery business by planting various flowers, fruits, wood, ornamental or herb seedlings in these abandoned lands with little capital. You can. Take good care of the plants.  For the nursery, choose an open place with good ventilation. It is better if the place is a little higher so that flood water cannot enter. For the nursery, you will need different types of equipment for making seed beds, producing seedlings, caring for seedlings, raising seedlings, making pens, etc. The implements include spade, hoe, sieve, tubewell, scissors, pipe, shovel, basket, vessel, bamboo etc. So you have to keep these equipments in collection.

4. Fertilizer and Pesticide Shop:
Fertilizer and pesticide business will do very well in villages because farming is mainly done in rural areas. All consumers of fertilizers and pesticides are also in villages. By capitalizing on this demand of villages, you can open a fertilizer and pesticide shop. Must keep in touch. You have to inform the villagers about your business. But in this case you have to enter the field with a little more capital.

5. Tea shop:
It is not possible that there will be no tea shop in the village. Because these tea shops are the hangout place of the village people. Young and old people will gather together to drink tea and chat. You can open a tea shop in your village with little capital. If you put a TV in the tea shop, then you will get more customers.

6. Bee keeping:
There are many trees in the village. Beekeeping requires a natural environment including plants. So you can keep bees in your village if you want.  If you can produce pure honey, you can make huge profits. Before starting beekeeping, you must know how to keep bees. You should also have knowledge about how to collect and store honey. Now there is a high demand for honey in the commercial market.

7. Fruit business:
Since there is a lot of vacant land available in the village for cultivation, you can easily start a fruit business. You can plant fruit trees that can be produced in your area, including mango, yam, litchi, jackfruit, pineapple. You can earn money. Also, you can be very profitable by cultivating vegetables. If you sell vegetables in your local market and nearby markets, you can be very profitable.Schizophrenia | the mental problem

8. Medicine store:
We all know that there is a lack of pharmacy in the village. This problem is very evident in my own area. Village people have to run to the city if they need medicine. So you can provide a medicine shop in the village to eliminate this problem of the village people and for your profit. It is true that the people in the village  Therefore, buyers of all kinds of medicines will not be available in the village. Therefore, you can keep the medicines that are more expensive in the medicine shop. However, you will need a pharmacy license and training. These trainings are given in different government offices or upazilas.

9. Flexi Load/Mobile Banking:
Flexiload and mobile banking services are needed in every place from city to village. So its customers are everywhere. With a small shop you can start flexiload and mobile banking business. Bikash, cash, upay, rocket etc. must be kept in the mobile banking service shop. In this case you will not need much capital. You can start this business within 5 thousand rupees.

Village  farming
10. Vegetable business:
Vegetable business is a profitable village business idea. If the distance from your home to the city is not too much, you can take vegetables from the village and sell them in the city. Nowadays, due to the improved communication system, it is not much of a problem to carry produce from the village to the city. You can easily transport vegetables to the city by autorickshaw, battery rickshaw or van.

11. Grocery store:
A village business idea that can be started with little capital is a grocery store. Since the shop rent is very low in the village, your expenses will not be too high. How much you spend will depend on the amount of groceries you pick up at the store. Grocery stores are very profitable but there are many competitors. If the number of competitors in grocery stores in your area is less, it is profitable for you.

12. Fish farming:
Fish farming is a profitable business idea. Many entrepreneurs are profiting from fish farming and making their living through it. Since there are many ponds in the village, you can start fish farming very easily. Even if you don't have your own pond, you can do fish farming by leasing another pond. There are two types of fish farming. One is fish fry production and the other is hatchery fish production. So you can produce fish if you want and fish if you want.
You can also encase the shrimp. Since shrimp is exported abroad, the demand for shrimp is high and the price is high.

13. Small loan business:
The small loan business in the village is very busy. Those who have idle money can start small loan business in village if they want. If you have less capital then you can run micro loan program on small scale. You can start this business by lending money to people who can repay the loan. Don't lend too much to people in the beginning of the business.  At first, loans should be given to fairly well-off customers. Then when the amount of capital increases, gradually increase the amount of lending.

14. Milk business:
Another village business idea that can easily be done in rural areas is milk business. It is very easy to produce milk in village. Because everyone has enough space in their house to keep cows. You can start milk business with one or two cows. Like selling vegetables you can take milk to town and sell it. If the city is too far, you can sell it in the village market. You can also sell directly to wholesalers.

15. Egg business:
Since chicken rearing is easy in village, you can start egg business. You can start egg production with some chickens in the backyard. Keep those chickens that have high egg production capacity. There are some rules to know the chickens that give more eggs, such as the head will be small, light and the meat part will be less. Eyes will be bright. The body will be well formed.

We can talk about golden chicken. Their egg production capacity is higher than other chickens. They start laying eggs from 20 weeks and continue to lay eggs for up to 100 weeks. However, the egg production capacity of native chickens is very low. Domestic chickens take 20-24 days to lay eggs. So it will not be profitable for you to produce eggs with domestic chickens and trade in eggs. Besides, you can keep boiler/golden chicken. Because the demand of boiler/golden chicken is very high in the market.

16. Computer Training Centre:
To survive in this digital age, you need to be computer literate. Because now everything is going digital. There is no need to write applications by hand like earlier days. Everything has gone online now. Also, if you can operate a computer, you can earn by freelancing, which is helping to reduce the unemployment of the people in the villages. For these reasons, nowadays even the people in the villages are learning computers. Interest is increasing. So if you are an expert in running various computer applications then you can offer a computer training center. In this case, in order to get regular students, the youth of the village should be encouraged to learn the computer by telling them about the benefits of learning the computer. The youth should be guided so that they can learn the use of various computer applications and earn by freelancing.  Also you can do freelancing yourself.

17. Snail cultivation:
This is an uncommon village business idea. Everyone in the village has more or less ponds etc. You can grow snails in these ponds or ponds if you want. Snail meat is used as fish food and lime can be made from snail shells. So if you have a fish enclosure then you can use those snails as fish food. Otherwise, you can earn a good amount by selling it in the market.
Moreover, with a little training, you can grow pearls from snails. A few days ago such a news headlined "Earn 1 lakh taka per month by cultivating pearls". You can watch it from YouTube if you want.

18. Agent Banking:
Agent banking is to provide banking services to customers in places where there are no bank branches using online as a representative of the bank. If there is no branch of the bank in your village, then you can bring the branch of the agent bank. As a result, you get a certain amount of commission against various transactions of the bank. An office will be needed to solve the work of agent bank properly and some staff will be required. Also your office should have computer with internet connection.

19. Tailor's business:
You can also start a cloth sewing business by renting a shop in your own home or in the market. Before starting this business you need to take some training. Youth development department and women affairs department provide various training in cloth sewing. From there you can get training. If you can design and sew clothes beautifully then your fame will spread in the village. Earlier in village girls used to do this business more now boys are not behind. You can start it if you want so be it boy or girl.  .

20. Ice cream business:
Ice cream business idea can be a profitable village business idea. Since there are low-income people in the village, it is possible to make a profit by selling low-priced ice cream. For example, you can keep ice cream from 5 taka to 100 taka. Many people in my own area are successful in this business. Besides, you can buy ice cream from the company and sell it to different shops.

Conclusion: In the end, no matter what the business is, you can never progress if you are shy. At the beginning, your business may not be profitable, but don't lose patience, give it some time and you will succeed. The most important thing is the right training and steps. If you don't know about it, your chances of success are very low. Be patient, take right steps only then you will get success.

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