Life changing story for KUET | Self motivation | Science Dojo


KUET, KUET admission 2023, short story varsity life, education

We all have stories in our lives. sadness, love or hate. This is how life goes. Sometimes depression or fear sometimes or regret of getting something eats us. Education At every level of life a small incident can change the course of our life. Today I am going to tell a story like that.

The day I first enrolled in KUET, I didn't know how drastically KUET is going to change me, more fickle than 8 or 10 normal girls. Suddenly, I realized that university is not a place to study. As the saying goes, once in university  You don't need to read anything when you get the chance, and like everyone else around me, I assumed that first-seconds in varsity were either insane, sleazy, or some extraterrestrial superhuman substance.

Whatever the result, after which the result like passing is even a little better than failing in one or two subjects more than D grade. Between the aesthetic disappointment of leaving the house, falling in love at a young age and honestly the pressure of the difficult place of the common room was something!
The story that I thought all my life I will not tell anyone, today I am writing that story so that even when I am very old, I will remember it very well. What I am today, most of the credit goes to KUET.  What I am not today most of the discredit goes to KUET as well.Lalbagh kella | the historical place

Life changing story for KUET

First year went like that. Second year, first semester, I can't concentrate in class, I sit in class and write songs without taking lectures, sometimes I draw pictures, Facebooking all night, telling stories, writing lab reports in class, I don't even understand the language of any teacher, even what is taught in class.  I don't know. Kamrul sir used to take classes in those 2-1 semesters, course EE2111 probably. One day I was sitting in class writing a lab report, sir tore up the lab report in front of everyone. Even before this, I have been scolded by various sirs every day, I use my mobile phone in class, I can't catch up. Various reasons. But leaving the lab report of that day is a little more humiliating. Next was Electrical City, like many others I got 0 out of 20.

Oh forgot sir was my rollmate, sir knew me as a bad student due to association and told me with great anger "You are ruining the honor of 51 roll, you dont deserve this" and this one line was the most humiliating of my life so far. Most difficult to swallow. Like fella and for my life time I wont forget this ever that there is something else that I dont deserve. I didn't want to accept this. I went to the hall and slowly tried to understand the reading. At first, I cried because of the great humiliation. Nothing entered my mind. That year, I was solving all the circuits of the electrical book alone during the fasting period. I remember just because I don't. I don't believe there is something I don't deserve.

Before the results were very good, a good(!!) friend gave me a proxy in the electrical class. As a result, sir somehow marked me out of the class and sent me to the textile head's room in the electrical building. I sobbed at the pain of failing to try and being punished for no fault of my own, and that last time I cried at the pain of losing.

I insisted on myself, if the girl who is first in the class can do it, why can't I?  By that time, Kamrul Sir had gone out of the country for higher studies.
If people remember reading it 10 times, I read it 50 times. I still remember there were some awkward maths in mechanics and machine design in 2-2, such maths I was practicing 89 times. I came home to Dhaka with 2-2 exams.

I came home and told my father and mother in front of me that this is the first time I am working hard in my life, I want proof that hard work can give people good results even with little talent. This semester I have been giving the best test. I will be first. My roommate and many people told me that the university  In life, all the teachers recognize the faces and give marks, those who are first are always first, otherwise second third are the best, no one comes from the very back of the series and never becomes first.

I told my father and mother that if I don't get first this time, I will never study again, I will buy BCS books, engineering will not be given to me! But it was given to me. I scored 3.11 to 3.94 and stood first that semester. Everyone was surprised, not just me. I remember what I get that I deserve. Believe that everything is possible if you try. It was believed that no one recognizes the face in the university. Even if you come from the back, you can become the first in the university.

Next semester the target is tougher. I have to get 4 in 4. Still no one in my batch got 4 so I kept trying. I was doing three tuitions, trying to support myself.  I used to make love and then I would come to the hall and read. In the extreme heat of Kuwait, I used to stick the bed sheet around the bed so as not to be distracted by seeing someone's face.

Maybe things are not that difficult but it is so difficult for a person with less talent like me because it took me 10 times to understand what people used to do once. I am still anchoring the program of the department two days before the 3-1 accounting exam. I never miss any tour, never miss any tour. I don't miss hanging out, I'm back in the room and working hard again.

For 26 long days of the semester exam, I slept for one hour every day. Everyone took 6 sets or 8 sets of preparation. I took the entire book. The target was only one, four. A close friend saw this situation and came the night before the exam and said that even if you try so hard, you will be first. No, last time Mishfa was not first but this time she will be. With full respect to Mishfa I am saying whether Mishfa is first or whatever, my target was four. I got four that time.
That day I came home and calculated on the calculator, if I get 4 in all the next semesters from 3-1 my CGPA will be 3.73 and Mishfa is definitely above 3.9. I never had any competition with her, but my goal from that day  It started, When I will leave Kuet, I will not leave without having 3.73 in my bag. That is to get 4 in all the next semesters.
After that day, there was no turning back, I got 4 in the last four semesters. I was sitting on the balcony of the hall on a very cold night of the even semester. During the day, everyone was awake, I didn't study, so I didn't eat rice at noon in any PL, I used to sleep at that time.  I used to eat boiled cup noodles and stay up all night. I used to sleep 3 hours daily. I never missed any class in sun, rain, earthquake. If for some reason I missed the lecture, I would record the lecture, come home and take notes. The harder and harder I became, the more aggressive I became. I even remember that during 3-2 the hall was vacated for the election. I will be a teacher in the university that has changed my whole story like this. I will tell my story to my students as the least talented but the most hardworking person, but that dream did not come true in the end. Fix it feet crusty

In the end, I was waiting for Kamrul Sir to come back and thank him one day, maybe I wouldn't have known myself if he didn't say that that day. I got a job before passing. Now there is a big distance between me and the couch of my story. Today was the last day to submit applications for teacher recruitment in Kuwait. I am now in a good position at self-employment. Maybe the dream that was working in me much later was earned by someone else before me.  Whoever becomes a teacher is surely more deserving of that position than I am, yet at this point I feel like my quiet chapter is over.

Thanks Kuet. Thank you Kuet for making me who I am today, this impossibly stubborn confidence for showing me the world to know. I learned to believe that there is nothing in this world that you don't deserve, there is nothing in this world that is impossible. All good wills will make a very different way.  Today or tomorrow.

Story: Sanjida Rashid Bahni

An incident changes our life. I know you may have a similar story. Be it sad or happy. Life is changing but you have to achieve it with patience and talent. If you are broken, if you show instability, your success in moving forward is limited." learn  form life". You can trust yourself.

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