Hand or feet crusty problem in winter time & Dark spot under the eye? How can I fix it | Science Dojo


Many of us get itchy or chapped hands and feet during winter. As a result, we feel a lot of discomfort, even the feet crack and blood comes out. We often do not understand what to do. Therefore, we will discuss the causes of cracked feet and their remedies.

1. Due to hereditary or genetic reasons, the number of oil and sweat glands decreases after the age of 40.
2. Due to occupation; For example, those who do gardening, farming or construction work.
3. Excessive swimming or bathing in chlorinated water, especially hot water or frequent use of alkaline soaps.
4. Smoking, consumption of alcohol and caffeine, excessive air travel.
5. Deficiency of vitamins, zinc and fatty acids leads to dry hands and feet and skin.
6. Some skin diseases, taking some medicines
7.Extra position in AC
8. Thyroid problems, diabetes, excessive use of perfumes etc. Also dry the skin.
9. Lack of adequate water

How to prevent:
✪Evaporation is high due to dry relative humidity in winter, so enough water evaporates from our body. At this time, if Vaseline is applied, the palm becomes very smooth. Besides, you can apply 10 percent Urea, 5 percent salicylic acid ointment.

Yoghurt and Besan:
Curd and gram flour softens the skin of the hands. Besan plays a role in increasing the brightness of the hands. Make a paste with 4 spoons of gram flour and 2 spoons of curd. Apply on hands and keep for at least 15 minutes.

Lemon and Honey:
Make a paste by mixing 3 teaspoons of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Apply it on the palm and keep it for 20 minutes. When dry, wash off with cold water. Doing this for a few days will make your hands shiny and smooth again.

Tomato and Lemon:
Tomatoes are effective in getting rid of rough hands. Make a paste by crushing a tomato in a bowl. Mix a little lemon juice with it and rub the mixture on your palms. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and wash it off with cold water. If you follow this method for 4 consecutive weeks, you will get benefits.

Adequate water intake:
Basically, only if the body can retain moisture, the hands or feet will be closed. All the above methods refer to keeping hands or feet moist.  For this you have to drink enough water. If you used to drink 2 liters of water a day, now drink 3/3.5 liters of water. Basically, you should drink more water than you used to drink before.


Dark spot under the eye | What is the way to remove dark spots under the eyes?

The dark spots under the eyes are called "under eye dark circles". It is called "periorbital" or infraorbital or pigmentation or darkening in medical terms. It is mostly associated with beauty. It happens to both women and men.

What is the reason for this?

1. One is the genetic cause. It can go from generation to generation. Grandfather had it, father had it now son has it too, like that.
2. Lack of sleep. If you don't sleep properly, dark spots or dark circles may appear under the eyes.
3. Lack of nutrition. Anemia, vitamin D deficiency can cause dark spots under the eyes.
4. Lack of rest. It can be eye or body. Nowadays the lifestyle is such that our eyes are strained a lot. We look at laptop, computer or mobile for a long time. Looking at them for a long time can cause dark spots under the eyes.
5. Stress can also cause dark spots under the eyes.  Blood circulation decreases due to lack of sleep or mental stress. Then the black spots appear under the eyes.
6. Allergies. Allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, eczema - those who have common dermatitis may have this problem. Those affected by this disease have itching under the eyes. Regular eyes are itchy, rubbing, because of this problem. We call this secondary PI.
7. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Another is anatomical defect. We have a hole under our eyes. This is what we call tear traft.  In some people, this hole is very deep.  Shadows fall due to depth. It's not a stain, but a dark look.
8. Fat. The fat that accumulates in our body with age. Again, the fat is moving away. Even if it moves, the effect of the same type of hole is still there.
9. Skin laggeti. Wrinkles or sagging skin appear dark. This usually occurs with age.
10. There is a type of muscle under the eye called the orbital muscle. Due to this muscle, the skin under the eyes thins. In some people, it is thinner and translucent, causing dark circles under the eyes.

Eye structure
ow to remove dark circles under eyes:

1. Cucumber:
Cucumber contains skin lightening properties and mild astringent properties. They work to remove dark spots under the eyes quickly. Cut a cucumber into rounds and keep it in the fridge for 30 minutes. Keep it on the affected skin for 10 minutes. Now wash the area. Follow this method twice a day for a few weeks. Apart from this, mix equal amount of cucumber and lemon juice together and apply on the affected area. Wash off after 15 minutes. Follow this method at least once a day for a few weeks.

2. Raw Potatoes:
Potatoes contain natural bleaching agents. It is useful in removing dark spots under the eyes. It also reduces skin puffiness. If you have a potato peel or two, mash it and extract the juice. Soak a cotton ball and place the ball over the eyes. Keep it like this for 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash the eyelids with cold water. Follow this method once to twice a day for a few weeks. Apart from giving the juice, you can also cut potatoes into rounds and apply them on the eyes.

3. Rose water:
Rose water naturally acts as a skin toner for our skin. Soak a small piece of clean cloth in rose water for one and a half to two minutes. When completely wet, close the eyes and leave it on the eyelids for 10-15 minutes. If used once a day for 10 consecutive days, the normal eye color will return.

4. Tomato:
Mix one spoon of tomato juice and half spoon of lemon juice and apply it under the eyes. Then wait for 10 minutes and wash off. Use once or twice a day for seven consecutive days.

5. Almond Oil:
Almond oil has a reputation for sensitive skin. Apply a light amount of almond oil under your eyes before going to bed every night. Wake up in the morning and wash your face. Keep doing this for about 2-3 months. Keep one thing in mind, the eyes and the skin around the eyes are very sensitive, so while removing the spots under the eyes, care must be taken to avoid any serious eye problems. Care must be taken to ensure that no material enters the eyes while applying under the eyes.

Stay well, stay healthy.

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